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5th Continental Essay Competition
Download Documents… Concept Note:5th Essay Competition Concept 30th Nov 2017 Registration Form:ARSO_CACO_EC_Form1_2017-Registration-form The Africa-wide development agenda, as championed by the
4th Continental Essay Competition
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ARSO launches its Conformity Assessment Committee (ARSO CACO)
Agreeably, all over the world, removal of non-tariff barriers to trade (NTBs – technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment) remains
Did you know?!… Standards as a business Strategy
As a business strategy… Participation in standards work is a strategic move, which brings a business numerous advantages. Successful businesses
Purpose of the declaration of conformity!
The purpose of the declaration is to give assurance of conformity of the identified object to specified requirements to which
Did you know that Food labels should contain the following?
Name of the food List of ingredients in descending order Name and complete address of manufacturer Net content by weight
Quality Infrastructure and Conformity Assessment
Quality Infrastructure (QI) includes standardisation, accreditation, conformity assessment (such as certification and testing services), and metrology. It is a prerequisite
Standards Vs Technical Regulations
What is a Standard…it is a technical document detailing the criteria necessary to ensure that a material, product, service or
Did You Know…Certification is your competitive advantage?
Did You Know…Certification is your competitive advantage? Certification helps in increasing market share by showing that the implementation of good
Did You Know… Global Supply Management (GSM) system
Did You Know… Global Supply Management (GSM) system is a supply chain management solution to provide the traceability and transparency